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Therapeutic exercises are similar to exercises performed in human physical therapy. Exercises are a key component of the rehabilitation process to return your pet back to their most functional self. It is also the fun part! 


How it works 

BARC has a variety of exercise equipment that we utilize in our gym with rubber flooring. We work with our patients to discover 3-4 exercises that both our patients enjoy and are targeted to their specific needs. All patients have a prescribed therapeutic exercise program that is accessible online. The program is designed to start with approachable and easy exercises, then progresses as your pet advances.


Benefits for pets 

Exercises targeted at specific muscle groups help to strengthen and functionally support the overworked or diseased muscles and/or arthritic joints. Certain exercises provide feedback to the proprioception system of the body, aiding in recovery from neurological disease

Image by Sonja Langford


Therapeutic exercise session lasts 15-25 minutes. A commitment to at-home exercises usually lasting 15 minutes three times weekly is most beneficial to a good outcome. It is a great way to strengthen the bond you share with your pet and many people are surprised how active a role you play in their recovery process!



Dogs with weakness, decreased flexibility, decrease range of motion of joints, and/or decreased coordination from aging, osteoarthritis, neurological disease benefit from exercises

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We work together with our patients to develop a working bond between therapist and patient. We utilize positive reinforcement, which means a lot of treats! To facilitate this working relationship with our patients, we usually ask owners to drop off for this part of the rehab session.

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