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Orthotic and Assistive Devices 

We work with several orthotic and wheelchair manufacturers and are here to ensure that all the measurements taken are to the manufacturer's specifications so that your pet gets the proper fit it needs.


Tailored to your pet

No two dogs are alike, so when your dog needs an orthotic device, such as a knee brace, wheelchair, or smaller assistive devices like toe grips, it must be a customized order specifically designed to fit your pet. We work with several wheelchair, orthotic, and assistive device manufacturers. We can measure or cast your pet to whatever specification they require.

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Brands We Work With 

When it comes to making a decision about a brace or cart, the staff at BARC can help. We can offer our experience with various manufacturers. We work with several brands such as Orthopets and Hero for knee braces. For carts, we work with Eddie's Wheels. We can measure and apply Dr. McHenry's Dog Toe Threads to prevent slipping. As well as, fit a Help em Up Harness for pets needing assistance getting up and moving around the house after surgery.


Benefits for Pets 

Instability at a joint leads to pain and arthritis. Injury to the cruciate ligament in the knee is the most common orthopedic injury in dogs. Stabilization of the hypermobile joint is provided through surgery. Custom braces can be an alternative when surgery is not an option. 

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